SCENE 18 Broadway Market

Saffron is standing in the detritus of her Miserarium of the night before and looking wistfully at her card declined notice on a travel web-site.

Meanwhile her recently ex-boyfriend Floyd cycles up to the market and walks past Beaver setting up her Saturday market stall
and then past Gina, a busker (who is also a cleaner who we have seen in previous scenes)
There is a knock at the door and, when she sees it is Floyd, she is briefly flooded with hope. However, he has only come to retrieve a last bag of things, and to give her an envelope of cash he has owed her.
He leaves and she returns to her computer holding the money in her hand, she sees again the decline payment notice, looks down at the envelope, closes the computer and begins to get ready to go out.

Floyd returns to the market and soon bumps into a group of friends, with whom he travels through the market
A little later, Saffron walks also through the market, a little more purposefully than on the previous day, oblivious however to the angels that now both aid and hinder her path
At the top of the market, Floyd says goodbye to his friends and just as he leaves they all suddenly shout and run for a bus. Saffron sees the bus and runs toward it also. As she fumbles with her bag the envelope full of money that Floyd has given to her falls from elbow to hand and foot to knee then high through the sky into Beaver's hand. The doors close and Saffron is trapped on the bus surrounded by Floyd's friends. She has just seen that someone in a red hood has caught the money, not who has caught it. The bus driver will not open the doors for her.

Back at the Market, The envelope stuffed with money in her outstretched hand, Beaver looks in amazement all around, then tries and fails to get the attention of passing market-goers "Do you know where this comes from? Do you know who's this is?" eventually she looks up into the sky and just says "Thanks!", stores her paintings in a shed behind her stall and roams away back through the market.

When Saffron finally breathlessly returns to the Market she also asks and is ignored by market goers where the money can have gone, just as Beaver had done. She turns to scan the scene, spots the top of a red hood in the distance and makes off in hot pursuit (toward the next scene).

To produce the Broadway market scene we advertised open training workshops of which we had four, run by Lucy Thane, lead choreographer Rebecca Bogue and performer/ choreographer/ improviser/ dancer Seke Chimutengwende, cinematographer Erifili Missiou

We gained an excellent performance crew with whom we shot the first half of the scene on November 21st 2015
MIchael Nique, Amanda Bentham, Vanio Papadelli, Zoe Tstaff, Lieve Carchon, George Binette, Gergely Soltesz, Ali Baybutt, Tania Soubry, Letizia Binda-Partensky and Jane Munro. Caroline Melia and Irma Redkaite were our amazing assistants.
There was also simultaneously a stall of Maryam Hashemi’s paintings and an installation of paintings and live music by Gina Birch of the Raincoats in the furniture shop at no. 14 Broadway market.
As well as being filmed by Erifili the action was captured using gopros and footage shot by members of the public with their iphones.
Video from Rehearsal One Saturday Nov 7th

Video from Rehearsal One Saturday Nov 7th

Video from Rehearsal One Saturday Nov 7th

Video from Rehearsal One Saturday Nov 7th

Video from Rehearsal One Saturday Nov 7th

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